Thrive in Twenty Two

It’s time to thrive. Done with coping, we bound ahead into 2022, keen to imbue the interiors we design with boundless possibility and potential. Seizing the day (or year), we ask ourselves and our clients: How can a space empower us to live our best lives? How can a house inspire our highest functionality?

In 2022, we expand the notion of home beyond a site of resilience, embracing our walls as sources of catalytic inspiration. “A well-designed home should not only enable you to live beautifully, but also encourage you to grow,” Elisa Chambers says. When she started Snake River Interiors 22 years ago, Elisa began with the profound principal that in order for people to live beautifully, their homes must function beautifully. Then as now, she empowers such integrated living by listening and leading. “We get to know our clients. We get to know their rhythms and their routines, their wants and their needs,” she says. “We earn their respect and practice open communication, which often includes highlighting when certain aspects may prove unfunctional.”

Connection lies at the core of our work: connection with place, with space, between people. Connection physically too: How do we flow through rooms? How do we flow into different modes and operations? Through design, we enable greater forms of connection and expression. Personality becomes concretized. Vision leads us to imagine future utility that builds upon current use. Ever educating ourselves as designers, we approach interiors with both optimism and realism; we know what works and we listen to what inspires. No matter the scope or scale of project, we ask: “What will make you thrive in this home?”

True to the roots of our name and our wild and free county, let’s embrace twenty twenty two as our year—a year ripe for discovery and creativity. Recommitting to our hearts and our homes, we wish you love, peace and perspective in the new year.